Dividend Analysis Service

The Dividend Analysis Forecasting System is essential for the income-orientated fund manager. From our database covering every UK security*, we provide detailed dividend information on all payments, forecasting those payments for the forthcoming two financial years of each company. Our analysts receive and review every single regulatory news service announcement when making forecasts of the individual payments. Each forecast is described by a Dividend Analysis condition indicator, or ‘DA code’, which explains to users the background of that forecast. The database is continually updated.

For the fund manager, we provide clear and concise, detailed schedules of forthcoming income. This will integrate with your own portfolio administration systems. You can rely on the most accurate schedule of income flows into your portfolios, analysed by ex-dividend or by pay-date and taking into account your accounting periods, cash position and fees. The managers of unit trusts, OEICs or Investment Trusts can now have a continually updated, accurate prediction of the income per unit into their funds, with the distinction between declared and forecast, franked and unfranked income.

*as well as fixed income and overseas stocks by agreement