About Dividend Analysis

For many years Dividend Analysis has assisted fund managers in estimating and projecting the income from their portfolios.

We specialise in forecasting dividends on securities for those running portfolios where the income content is important.

Dividend Analysis is used

  • to project income in detail over managers accounting periods
  • as an aid to identifying stocks which can meet income requirements
  • as independent verification for professionals when reviewing income timing and distribution levels.

As an independent and specialist business with a long track record, you can rely on our forecasts.

Dividend Analysis offers data for managers to run in-house forecasts or a custom bureau service, including consulting advice. We also provide data and forecasts for the media. Your focus is dividend income; our mission is to help you identify and seize on opportunities.

Dividend Analysis is an independent company whose sole business is the monitoring, analysis and reporting on income that is derived from all stock market securities and funds. Dividend Analysis has no capital markets involvement; the company has been analysing income for fund managers for almost 20 years. Originally part of the Micropal Group of companies, it is now wholly owned by its directors.

Our dividend forecast data is used by fund managers, fund accountants, equity research teams and consultants.

Investment professionals use Dividend Analysis systems and data extensively for:

  • Scheduling portfolio income
  • Source of accurate dividend forecasts
  • Researching high yielding stocks
  • Decision support

In Touch
Our independence is critical in allowing us to provide you with objective market information.

Being close to the markets means we have the fastest and most detailed access to market information and can react quickly to company announcements and market movements. This enables us to deliver information to those who need it, when they need it.

Our aim, your performance
We aim to assist investment professionals to develop successful strategies to produce greater profit and better performance through increased dividend income. We believe that key to achieving this is accurate forecasting backed with thorough research and analysis, and by maintaining a comprehensive database that covers the entire market. We see all our solutions as services and all are offered with strong, on-going customer support.